Tuesday, October 11, 2011




This place has awesome handmade jewelry. Everyone loves the necklace I got from them a few years ago with Byron’s and Kathryn’s names on it. Now I need a new one wiht Levi’s name added to it.

Why are these cars jostling???

I checked the track before gluing it down and I don’t remember the cars jostling like this. I purposely did not glue the turnouts. Anyone have ideas why the cars are jostling and any solutions?

[flvmini url=”fp-content/attachs/2011-10-10_18-31-01_32-front.flv” width=320 height=240]Front View[/flvmini]

[flvmini url=”fp-content/attachs/2011-10-10_18-34-34_819-top.flv” width=320 height=240]Top View[/flvmini]

Monday, October 3, 2011


Blake from the Roadskater is always snapping pictures on his rides. Well, this time I got him during the Tour to Tanglewood MS Ride. ;) Can’t wait for the 2011 Carolina Century. Will be a great ride!


The picture quality is better when viewed full sized.