Tuesday, November 20, 2012
First time the modules have been set up. Looks fairly good. Still a long way to go. Once the track was cleaned (and cleaned again) it ran really well with the AZL SD70. The newer MTL SD40 needed it’s front plow sanded. Then it ran fairly well. Did have to fix one “bump” in the track that constantly derailing the outer line.
After the break is a “helicopter” video view of the route.
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Sunday, June 3, 2012
First outing for the yard and return modules.
Last night was a marathon to get just this plywood pacific running. I somehow borked the wiring and ended up with a short. Didn’t get a chance to test run on the unproven track. Also had plan to run two trains. However, thanks to the USPS detouring the package to Iowa……I couldn’t. Probably a good thing in the long run as I didn’t have time to prep for a 2 train setup. Went to bed around 3a and then work up at 5 to temporarily fix the borked wiring.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012
Well, the Door Slab layout was OK. Learned a lot. However, since I now have more space and didn’t get too far with it…..well, it will be morphing into modules. Initial plan is:
More pictures after the break…
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I ordered some materials the other week. I did have a question because the price was so different than what I’d seen at a local train show. Then again, train shows are always hit and miss. I’m glad I did all the correspondence through email. The exchange is below. What do you think? Have I just misinterpreted something here? Be sure to read the LAST line.
The conversation if found after the break….
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
For the last month or so the center panel of our side by side refrigerator has been heating up. I read online last night that it might be caused by a bad fan or dirty coils. Well, today I had to leave work early for a sick child. Perfect time to work on this problem! I get the child squared away and then get out many assorted tools I might need. Starting with a mop and vacuum I move the fridge out. Guess I should do that more than once every 10+ years. Yuk! Then sit down behind it and take the back cover off…..and find the problem staring me right in the face….
Warning, don’t hit more if you have weak stomach….If you’ve come here by direct link….oh well…
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