Monday, November 21, 2011
Byron and I along with family friend Jacob attended the 2nd Thompson’s Old Fashioned Train show in Clemmons today. Lots of O and S. Some HO and N layouts. Then there was my Z scale one. Although massively incomplete, it was well received. Finally got a cheap old N scale boxcar to compare to one in Z and then people really appreciated the size more. Alright, enough talking, time for pictures:
Jacob working the control. Control is Arduino powered. The cheap powerpack is for the AC to the switch machines.
Byron enjoying the show.
The yard with all the stock I have….at the time. Picked up 2 more MTL intermodal units at the show.
Closer view of the Engine House and Yard office.
A view from the other end.
Another view of the yard.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I checked the track before gluing it down and I don’t remember the cars jostling like this. I purposely did not glue the turnouts. Anyone have ideas why the cars are jostling and any solutions?
[flvmini url=”fp-content/attachs/2011-10-10_18-31-01_32-front.flv” width=320 height=240]Front View[/flvmini]
[flvmini url=”fp-content/attachs/2011-10-10_18-34-34_819-top.flv” width=320 height=240]Top View[/flvmini]
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
An Arduino Duemilanove, 16×2 LCD, and Qik 2s9v1 motor control in a fairly simple circuit. I’m not much of a solderer, so the jumbled mess is a mess and the joints are blobs. But, hey! It works! Need to get the voltage readouts working, test using different PWM settings, and probably use a better (read alkaline) battery.
[flvmini url=”fp-content/attachs/2011-09-05_16-58-04_105.flv” width=420 height=180]Arudino Controlled Z Scale[/flvmini]
Friday, August 26, 2011
For Sierra and Stony!!
Sierra’s engine house. I’ll need to shim under it, but it looks GOOD.
Yard office by Sierra. Truck cab and trailer for container by Stony. Container is MTL.
Boy, I have some painting to do…. :)
Pictures of the layout’s progress. Re-posts from the lost blog…
Track on the doorslab….
Risers in place for the main loop…
Test run of train on loop…
The view begind the backdrop where the “yard” will go…
Plaster down for the yard with a few randomly placed buildings. Don’t you love my paper engine house?